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Another notable point for hosting

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:13 am
by virtualmike
I moved my domain to at the end of last year. Prior to that, I was using GoDaddy's services.

While hosted at GoDaddy, sometimes I would receive notification that email from one or another correspondent was getting blocked. I discovered that in some cases, the mail was blocked because GoDaddy believed the mail was being sent from a spam network, and was being rejected (instead of going into the "bulk" folder).

In other cases, GoDaddy would reject the mail with bogus errors, such as "mailbox doesn't exist," "mailbox full," etc.

GoDaddy Customer Service was useless, suggesting that my expectation that all mail get delivered to my mailboxes was excessive, and that most customers were satisfied with unreliable service (and I should be, too).

As usual, has surpassed my expectations. In six months of hosting my domain's email, I'm not aware of a single instance where inbound email has been rejected. Suspected spam goes to graymail, so I can review it, and otherwise, all mail gets delivered.

Re: Another notable point for hosting

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:15 am
by gp1628
I agree. Sonic does it very well.

And its a fine line to dance on. Many users like filtering and some will get irritated at getting 10 spams not realizing that 100 were blocked. Sonic does a great job of balancing between user friendly watchdogging without becoming tyrannical big-brother.