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PHP functions and running PHP5.3 on web cluster....

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:05 pm
by darnold
I saw there was a posting in the general area (not under hosting) that was asking questions that were more pertaining to web hosting. This is the answer to that question, I will post the link for this posting as a reply to that posting.

One easy way to see what functions are enabled would be to setup a program such as this:

if (function_exists($_GET['function'])){
echo "Function is installed on server<br />";
else {
echo "Function is not installed on server<br />";

and then simply browse to url of the script with a query string such as: function=fsockopen, so the whole URL would look like this:<username>/functi ... =fsockopen given that the script is directly under your public_html directory and you've named the script function_script.php.

On the web cluster, we are using an older version of PHP by default, You can find out how to use a newer version of PHP by going here.

Hope this helps, cheers!