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Extending Fiber reach down block
Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2024 10:42 am
by capp662
Since these connections are one-per-household, could I get one installed at a neighbor's house and then bridge it to my router 200ft away? (using 60GHz point-to-point wireless)
I'm asking about this because SF will never (at this point/rate) allow Sonic to run down my block. But I have a generous neighbor at the end of the block where two Sonic Fiber connections are installed. This new connection would only serve my own household, just be terminated at their household at the end of the block.
Re: Extending Fiber reach down block
Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2024 8:23 am
by loherj
Thank you for reaching out regarding this matter.
This is something we are unable to accommodate. We do not perform installations for use at other locations.
Looking over things, it appears your location has underground utilities. We are working diligently with the CPUC and the City of San Francisco to expand our infrastructure via micro-teaching. Hopefully, in the near future, we will be able to service your address.
Re: Extending Fiber reach down block
Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2024 8:34 am
by capp662
I have started an email thread with the author of the Microtrenching ordinance, including Dane Jasper, my own district supervisor, and contacts in SF Department of Public Works. The ordinance does not help us, so I'm asking the author if it can be amended in a way that helps us.
I've already been watching this for years, I honestly don't believe "near future" is possible. I even asked DPW what it would take to dig up road, and was told the cost would be in the millions, and the next available opportunity to access the road is years away.
I'm disappointed that Sonic won't let us install more personal connections in one household, we have a generous neighbor willing to accommodate those and host some networking equipment for us. We have several neighbors interested in this project, because we live in an Internet dessert.
I do have a question here though. If one household is changed from Residential to Business, could we use that to physically extend its reach to multiple sites via our own wireless infrastructure?