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Gigabit internet speed options lacking in Union City

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2024 11:30 am
by malev
We've been desperately awaiting options for gigabit in Union City other than Comcast for 10+ years. Are there any plans for to come to Union City? I don't know how much longer I can wait while on Fusion Broadband. Please come to Union City!

Re: Gigabit internet speed options lacking in Union City

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2024 1:48 pm
by loherj
Hello, and thank you for reaching out. Our goal is to improve the quality of Internet service in America! We are working hard to complete new fiber build-outs. The reason this can take so long is that we can run into obstacles that delay the build-out process, like overloaded poles that need to be replaced or fixed, permits from the city that require special attention, or even the need for micro-trenching which requires shutting down streets and specialized equipment. That being said, infrastructure construction is an enormous project, and expanding those services will take some time. Hopefully, we can get out to your area in the near future.

To check the status of your Fiber build-out, you will first need to log into your Member Tools at Once there, click "Internet Connections" on the left side, then click "Fiber Status Tool". If you scroll down, a graphic will show how far along your neighborhood is in its fiber buildout.

Your area is currently in the Evaluating phase. This means your neighborhood is a part of ongoing team discussions, engineering evaluations, and possible expansion opportunities.