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Equipment Return…

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2023 10:11 pm
by sguinn1
Hello All!

You know, I think it’s pretty sad that after cancelling my service not only was I reminded several times that the pitiful little modem that I had was valued at $199 (after several years of use) needed to be returned within 30 days, I was also notified that I had to pay over $15 for the return shipping!
I’ve never had a company charge return shipping for the return of their equipment. It appears as though I made the correct choice in cancelling my account with Sonic. Very petty to charge for return of equipment…my new service offers way better equipment download speeds at a lower cost. I wish I could say that the transition from sonic to my new service would be easy, but it’s easier than I ever thought it could be!
I was looking for a spot to send feedback to Sonic. However, I wasn’t able to find such a spot. Therefore, here I am! I apologize if this is not appropriate for this platform, but I had nowhere else to go…

Re: Equipment Return…

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 11:10 am
by sonic.boom
Thanks for your feedback. We do charge shipping fees to return equipment as it would be a very large expense to cover the cost of shipping for every customer that closes their account or returns any sort of rental equipment, and I don't think it's that unusual of a policy. That being said, we are willing to make exceptions for those that would like to pay for their own alternative shipping method. In your case, I'd be happy to refund the charges for that. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to our Technical Support team at (855) 394-0100 (Toll Free) Mon-Sun 8am-10pm or through email at, we would be happy to help. We're sad to see you go but hope you'll consider Sonic again in the future.

Re: Equipment Return…

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 1:36 pm
by ngufra
I think sonic is trying to have as small a number of SKU as possible so monthly fee is the same whether you have a 3 Mbps DSL line or a 10 Gbps fiber connection.
They would also have one line item for equipment return.
If you had a DSL modem, it's likely they will not give it to someone else and that it will cost sonic to e-waste it; so it may be possible to let them waive the return and e-waste it yourself.

Re: Equipment Return…

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2024 10:02 am
by matteoandolivia
It is absolutely an unusual policy. Never before have I had to pay to return rented equipment. If you are unable to offer in-person returns, then you should bear the cost of shipping. Not to mention, it is a bizarre money-grubbing policy to make people pay to close their account.