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Game server on Fusion: DMZ or Port Forward?

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2023 3:53 pm
by enoch
Hail and well met folks!

Hey, so I am running a game server on my symmetric Fusion fiber line, and have a basic question:

Host the server on a DMZ or Port Forward to it?

I have a non-Sonic router that I can DMZ or Port Forward on.

I understand there are reasons to DMZ it, but that really opens it up. It's currently port forwarded, but perhaps there is a better/more secure method to separate it from my LAN systems?

Any thoughts are welcome!


Re: Game server on Fusion: DMZ or Port Forward?

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2023 8:49 am
by jerrielm

To my understanding, Port forwarding is the way to go. DMZ to my understanding will allow exploits and even hackers to access your system. I would check with other Server Admins that are running the same game as you to see what settings they are doing. I would also check to see if the game recommends a certain setting as well.

I hope this helps!

Best Wishes!