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Getting NAT to work from INTERNAL addresses on Zyxel router

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 9:14 am
by scw1

I have a Zyxel P-663HN-51 modem. It's set to use NAT to the webserver running in our facility. It works great from external networks. The issue is I want people to be able to bookmark that address and have the webpage work when they come into the building. What I'm finding is that inside the building people the address will send somebody to the configuration page of the router rather than the webserver.

What would be ideal is vising the local/internal ip of the router on port 80 would bring up the configuration page. Visiting the global/external ip of the router would trigger the NAT. Is this possible? Is there a workaround?


Re: Getting NAT to work from INTERNAL addresses on Zyxel rou

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:16 am
by Guest
I have DNS outside for point to my externally visible IP address and I run a DNS server inside that has point to my internally visible 192.168.x.x IP address.

Re: Getting NAT to work from INTERNAL addresses on Zyxel rou

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 4:24 pm
by scw1
Thanks for your reply. I started heading down that path, but I was hoping for a simpler answer that didn't put another piece of infrastructure into the loop.