How Upload Web Pages With Filezilla

Web hosting discussion, programming, and shared and dedicated servers.
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by hrm » Thu Jan 23, 2025 3:18 pm
Prior to ftp going away ftp was how I maintained my web site which I wrote myself directly in .html code.
I am able to connect to sonic with Filezilla using my username and password on port 21.
I can view several directories on the remote site and the only one I found that has my user name is claimed to be empty by Filezilla. How can I get to my website directory - should I specify the directory in the Host entry on Filezilla or how can I browse to my website home? FWIW I am on an up to date Mac. Thanks!
by joemuller » Tue Jan 28, 2025 12:56 pm
Hi Rod,

When you connect to (for you, this is using 'hrm' as the username and your Sonic password for the password), there should be a directory called 'public_html' that you can open up. That directory is home to each of your websites (usually there is a dedicated folder for each domain name), so changing/copying files there should change the corresponding website.

Also, as long as there is content in the public_html folder, you can always reach it at the alternate location: * (if you have other accounts, swap out the 'hrm' before with the appropriate username)

-- Joe

* By default, directory listings are turned off, so for example, to access your site,, you would need to add / to the end of the URL.
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by hrm » Tue Jan 28, 2025 1:05 pm
The next time using what failed before I attempted with Filezilla it worked. Thanks.
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