TL;DR - I am having ARP issues, when my router tries to get MAC for Sonic gw and ARP requests time out. Can be solved by unplugging and plugging back in the cable between ONT and router.
I have a 10 Gbps, ONT box from Sonic and my equipment behind.
My equipment is all 1000 mbps WAN side, so link iautonegs at 1000 mbps between my router and ONT.
Everything is great except once in a while (once in a few days, or twice per day, etc) I lose internet connection.
I don't lose the DHCP IP; it's still there, but the GW MAC is expired (not in the ARP table) and ARP towards Sonic go without responses.
I tried two different residential routers, connected directly to the ONT (both 1Gbps uplinks).
I used an L2 unmanaged switch (TP-Link) in front (hence, I could monitor the uplink traffic and find those ARP issues).
Behind the switch, I had an SBC unit and the router (two different DHCP IPs from Sonic) - they both experience APR timeouts.
So far, reps are saying there is nothing wrong on their end. When I spoke to a rep when I had this issue, he said it looks from his end that nothing is connected at ONT.
For the record, ATT fiber has had 0 issues for me for years.
Any ideas?
TL;DR - I am having ARP issues, when my router tries to get MAC for Sonic gw and ARP requests time out. Can be solved by unplugging and plugging back in the cable between ONT and router.
I have a 10 Gbps, ONT box from Sonic and my equipment behind.
My equipment is all 1000 mbps WAN side, so link iautonegs at 1000 mbps between my router and ONT.
Everything is great except once in a while (once in a few days, or twice per day, etc) I lose internet connection.
I don't lose the DHCP IP; it's still there, but the GW MAC is expired (not in the ARP table) and ARP towards Sonic go without responses.
I tried two different residential routers, connected directly to the ONT (both 1Gbps uplinks).
I used an L2 unmanaged switch (TP-Link) in front (hence, I could monitor the uplink traffic and find those ARP issues).
Behind the switch, I had an SBC unit and the router (two different DHCP IPs from Sonic) - they both experience APR timeouts.
So far, reps are saying there is nothing wrong on their end. When I spoke to a rep when I had this issue, he said it looks from his end that nothing is connected at ONT.
For the record, ATT fiber has had 0 issues for me for years.
Any ideas?