Thanks for all the fish

Internet access discussion, including Fusion, IP Broadband, and Gigabit Fiber!
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by brycem » Mon Aug 19, 2024 10:58 pm
Thanks Sonic for being the best ISP around. I wish I could stay with you, but 2x Fusion on the legacy degrading AT&T plant isn't going to work any longer. I hate that I've had to go to another provider, and if you ever get fiber or any other service down to my neighborhood in Santa Clara, I'll be back with you in an instant.

Hopefully this is farewell for now, and not forever. It's been a decade plus, and I think this is the only service I've ever paid for where I'm actually a bit regretful that I have to give up.

Thanks to Dane and all the employees and the great people in your networks. You've been nothing but fantastic in my every interaction, and are fighting the good fight for access in the USA.

Thanks, and hope to be back on your network soon.
by dane » Mon Aug 19, 2024 11:02 pm
Thanks for the comments Bryce. The teams here at Sonic are working every day to continue to expand our fiber-optic network, and I'm hopeful that we will reach you someday!
Dane Jasper
by firecoral » Wed Aug 28, 2024 8:33 pm
I'm in the same boat, getting ready to leave Sonic FTTN. As much as I hate Comcast, the speeds and prices have gotten pretty compelling. And after a couple of multi-day outages last year (one of which was literally a broken copper wire in the FTTN Hub), it's not clear that the Sonic/AT&T reliability is worthwhile, either. Folks in the forums have long ago laid out why Santa Clara should be a no-brainer, but at this point, I'm not expecting to see Sonic here in my lifetime.

Again, Sonic is the best ISP around, but is no longer worth waiting for in Santa Clara.
by firecoral » Tue Jan 14, 2025 5:13 am
Well, AT&T has now installed fiber on our poles, and I got a 1gbit installed yesterday, so I'll be cancelling my sonic service later today. With both Comcast and AT&T now delivering gigabit service here, Sonic has a much less compelling reason to expand into this area, so I continue to doubt I'll see that option anytime in the future. If so, I'll be back since they are the best ISP, but for now, I'll have to live with AT&T.

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