Fiber in Menlo Park, CA?

Internet access discussion, including Fusion, IP Broadband, and Gigabit Fiber!
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by dsinha99 » Tue Feb 06, 2024 11:58 am
Hi, I signed up for Sonic internet several weeks ago. The initial communication seemed to show my address as available, but the following message said in 'pre-construction'. I understand that this means you're waiting on permits from the city, etc.

I was curious if you have any insight on the time between 'pre-construction' to actual installation? Are we talking months or years?

by jerrielm » Thu Feb 08, 2024 8:11 am

I would say this order might be, at most, a year out. With it being in the pre-construction phase, most of the time, we will experience delays but work quickly to resolve them. I would say about 3 months for each phase as a minimum. I hope this helps!

Best Wishes!
by crbowman » Sun Feb 25, 2024 7:58 pm
I ordered Sonic May 15th of 2023 and I'm still in preconstruction. I have no idea what's really going on but I wouldn't hold my breath. I'm fortunate enough to have gigabit ATT fiber and while Sonic is cheaper and less expensive for more bandwidth (but no static IPs) I've really been pleased with the reliability of the ATT service. Once I got rid of ATT's box it's been really good.
by blazeblaster » Tue Jul 02, 2024 12:20 am
Any update on other parts of Menlo? My block is near downtown but only served by Comcast. Lots of old apartment units unfortunately probably makes it non attractive.
by damientb » Tue Aug 27, 2024 2:05 pm
crbowman wrote: Sun Feb 25, 2024 7:58 pm I ordered Sonic May 15th of 2023 and I'm still in preconstruction. I have no idea what's really going on but I wouldn't hold my breath. I'm fortunate enough to have gigabit ATT fiber and while Sonic is cheaper and less expensive for more bandwidth (but no static IPs) I've really been pleased with the reliability of the ATT service. Once I got rid of ATT's box it's been really good.
Hi- sorry old thread but I was hoping to ask you a question- how were you able to bypass AT&T's gateway? I'm guessing it wasn't one of the BGW320's but was hoping to ask.

I moved back from New York after 15 years and for 12 of those we had Fios fiber. Standard ONT installed, ethernet to router-LAN. Being forced to use AT&T's gateway/DHCP (w/o bridge mode option) is extraordinarily bad (I'll spare the rant) but I'm looking at whatever possibilities there might be to have my router as the first point providing internet to my LAN/being rid of their box.

Any guidance would be super appreciated. Thanks a lot!
by crbowman » Wed Aug 28, 2024 11:47 pm
I have a BGW 210 that's been sitting unplugged on the floor for years now. Using instructions off the Internet I was able to exploit a security hole to get a shell on the router from which I was able to extract the authentication certificates. With those I was able to set up my own FreeBSD box to do the authentication and pass traffic on VLAN0.
There are alternative solutions that don’t require extraction certificates but instead pass only the authentication traffic, to the BGW 210.
by crbowman » Mon Jan 13, 2025 12:53 pm
crbowman wrote: Sun Feb 25, 2024 7:58 pm I ordered Sonic May 15th of 2023 and I'm still in preconstruction. I have no idea what's really going on but I wouldn't hold my breath. I'm fortunate enough to have gigabit ATT fiber and while Sonic is cheaper and less expensive for more bandwidth (but no static IPs) I've really been pleased with the reliability of the ATT service. Once I got rid of ATT's box it's been really good.
I saw a truck doing what looked like fiber installation down the street from me on Saturday. I didn't have time to investigate but I looked at the pole outside my apartment today and I see a second (ATT is the first) set of wires that look like fiber (they have those funny loops that I think are coiled fiber for expansion or repair). And I see an orange tag with the word SONIC on the cable and a phone number. I see cable, but not interconnect boxes so they probably have a lot more work to do but I guess they are finally installing. The is Roble Ave down from the BevMo.

My go live date is now listed at April 2025
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