Why is my sonic bill going up $10.00 per month?

Internet access discussion, including Fusion, IP Broadband, and Gigabit Fiber!
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by jordan.m » Tue Jul 18, 2023 2:25 pm
mcwong1027 wrote:With the increase in fee, can I only subscribe to Fusion Fiber Data and not Voice? So the costs will be $49.99 instead of $59.99/month?

Fiber - Fusion 1Gbps - STI-0533844-5 59.99
Fiber Information - STI-0533844-5 - Data $49.99 Voice $10.00
Unfortunately, not at this time. This is a popular request amongst our Fiber customers which is why it was implemented in our new 10Gbps service. There is no current downgrade option for our 1Gbs customers, but that may change.
Jordan M.
Community and Escalations Specialist
by ryanlockhart » Mon Aug 19, 2024 11:10 am
I signed up at $40/mo sever years ago and I’m now pay $88/mo. My speeds are slower now too. I know things go up but what’s going on here? I’m thinking of finding another provider.
by kgc » Mon Aug 19, 2024 12:35 pm
ryanlockhart wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2024 11:10 am My speeds are slower now too.
Your 1g service should be exactly the same speed it was when you purchased it. I did notice you have an old wifi gateway that's known for not having the greatest wifi performance. The WiFi Pro 6E (just a tiny bit more) or the WiFi6 (a few less $) would be good choices to replace the Pace gateway you have now.

You can order the replacement online or call support if you have other questions about it.

Kelsey Cummings
System Architect, Sonic.net, Inc.
by loveland » Mon Nov 11, 2024 12:52 pm
I started at $40/mo a few years ago and just crossed the $80/mo. Been a slow and steady trickle of higher rates for services and fees since signing up. I knew the $40/mo was only for 12 months, and that things would increase a bit over time after that, but I never thought I'd be paying $80/mo. Where will it end?

My service is good, but $80/mo is rough
by ngufra » Tue Nov 12, 2024 8:42 am
For those worried about price increase, we have been with sonic for a very long time, first on ADSL, then VDSL, then fiber 1 Gbps. Here is my experience with prices:

This month my bill is for $76.06: $59.99 for fusion 1 Gbps, th rest is various taxes.

I checked the earliest bill still available on line from 2019, and my bill was for $61.42: $50 for fusion fiber 1 Gbps, the rest is various taxes. I believe the price has been the same or similar since we started with sonic probably way more than 10 years ago.

From what i understand if we were to upgrade service to 10 Gbps, we would need to pay for a one-time fee to upgrade the ONT and card at the central office but then would have 10 Gbps service (1 Gbps seems plenty enough for me now though) and be able to get naked fiber - without phone- and thus not need to pay the various phone related charges : Service line charge ($6.50), Universal Service fund ($1.99)
We have been using our own modem (for DSL) and now router (the ONT is loaned not rented) so we do not pay rental but if something goes bad in my wiring, it's up to me to fix it or to pay for sonic to come fix it
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