I was referred by support to this forum regarding an FTP question I had. I wound up with a new question, so here it is:
I'm trying to do command line FTPS using curl and appear to be running into permissions issues. I'm not sure if it's a quirk of the FTP folders on Sonic or an update to my permissions that I need to request support to change. Please advise next steps.
1. I issued the following terminal command, where [userID] is replaced with the user ID I'm trying to use for the particular transfer:
Once I responded to the password prompt, I got the following within the response:
curl: (9) Server denied you to change to the given directory
Makes sense, since I'm not root.
gets a list of files in my HTML folder as expected.
I'm trying to do command line FTPS using curl and appear to be running into permissions issues. I'm not sure if it's a quirk of the FTP folders on Sonic or an update to my permissions that I need to request support to change. Please advise next steps.
1. I issued the following terminal command, where [userID] is replaced with the user ID I'm trying to use for the particular transfer:
Code: Select all
curl --ssl-reqd -u [userID] ftp://ftp.sonic.net/
Code: Select all
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 23 Aug 19 11:40 public_ftp -> /ftp/pub/users/[userID]
lrwxrwxrwx 1 [userID] user 24 Feb 24 2021 public_html -> /home/WWW_pages/[userID]
Code: Select all
curl --ssl-reqd -u [userID] ftp://ftp.sonic.net/public_ftp/
curl: (9) Server denied you to change to the given directory
Makes sense, since I'm not root.
Code: Select all
curl --ssl-reqd -u [userID] ftp://ftp.sonic.net/public_html/