I'm trying to figure out the best way to keep things going and it looks like all paths lead to some flavour of FTP, right? From the reading I've been doing, it looks like sftp is the best way to go. But I think sftp is part of the ssh package, right? If yes, then will sftp still be supported in the future after ssh access is shut down?
shell server turndown: ftp, sftp, ftps
Advanced feature discussion, beta programs and unsupported "Labs" features.
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Apparently not. Sonic has left plain "ftp" access open to ftp.sonic.net, so you're forced to send your username and password in the clear. That's a terrible idea. If they didn't want to support direct shell access via ssh they could turn that off but still support sftp, though it becomes harder (impossible?) to manage your ssh identities when you don't have a shell.
I've pretty much given up. I use lftp (linux) which is encrypted ans have and my other site still sllows ftp although they encourge use of their console. しかたがない。
That's absolutely amazing -- however I suspect that those of us using it are using it as a lobotomized ssh.
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