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Apache Update

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2017 9:14 am
by esca
My hosting account is running on Apache 1.3.41 and I need assistance updating it to a more current version 2.2 or 2.4. Thank you.

Re: Apache Update

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2021 6:17 pm
by yronwode
Hi there!

I have recently constructed a child account for contractors to access and moved HTML and PHP files to the new one, and we are encountering an error since then which indicates that it is seeking the old directory structure:

"Fatal error: Call to undefined function: ...."

My contractor says that this means that the apache configuration file may need to be updated for that function to resume working for us.

He also said that if we can't get that updated we may need to try to put the files back in the original location and see if it will work.

Please let me know what you recommend. Thanks!