Add location tag on

General discussions and other topics.
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by khegel » Mon Apr 24, 2023 10:11 pm
Could you add a location tag or include in an existing tag the location where the outage is happening such as oakland, sf, brentwood, etc? This would be very helpful so I may filter the rss feed to only show outages affecting my neighborhood.

Thank you for your consideration
by jordan.m » Tue Apr 25, 2023 9:31 am
khegel wrote:Could you add a location tag or include in an existing tag the location where the outage is happening such as oakland, sf, brentwood, etc? This would be very helpful so I may filter the rss feed to only show outages affecting my neighborhood.

Thank you for your consideration
Hello! Thank you for providing us with this feedback. All of our "sonic status" posts related to outages/maintenance will include the affected city in the "title". What specifically would you like to see implemented to help you filter your RSS feed?
Jordan M.
Community and Escalations Specialist
by dane » Tue Apr 25, 2023 2:45 pm
We’re also working towards more automated SMS notifications of individual customers who are affected by outages. Not sure how we’ll handle scheduled maintenance in the platform yet though.

Dane Jasper
by khegel » Thu Jun 08, 2023 5:13 pm
Sms or other push type notification would be ideal. I was just thinking in the mean time it may be easy to add a location tag because many of the maintenance affecting lots of users does not have location in the title.

Example is Tuesday Jun 6 Northern California Fiber ONT upgrades post. If I was filtering by title containing Oakland I would not have seen this even though I am impacted by the maintenance. If there was a field with locations it would presumably include Oakland,sf,Berkeley or whatever neighborhoods you have those onts deployed.

Just a thought. I do agree with Dane though sms notifications would be great.
by virtualmike » Fri Jun 09, 2023 4:01 pm
Maybe add "Northern California" to your filter?
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