Shell server adjustments

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66 posts Page 3 of 7
by scott » Mon Mar 15, 2021 6:32 pm
The home directories didn't mount properly on the new storage-area network, hopefully we're good to go now. [Edit: of course we aren't, still a little bit more work, this time for web directories. ]
by scott » Mon Mar 15, 2021 7:09 pm
scott wrote:The home directories didn't mount properly on the new storage-area network, hopefully we're good to go now. [Edit: of course we aren't, still a little bit more work, this time for web directories. ]
The irc server I'm running bound to is back up, I'm in #shell (I idle in there)

Hopefully we're all in great shape now, please let me know here if not. (Or email me at if it is sensitive login things you don't want posted to a public forum.)

by scott » Tue Mar 16, 2021 2:13 am
sls123 wrote:My home directory appears to be back. There was nothing in the MOTD about expecting interruption in access to home directory.
Sorry about that. The storage-area network didn't come up in quite the way we expected it to.

I've created a quick shell script that encapsulates a find(1) command that will show you the filesystem type of the filesystem containing a specified directory.

Code: Select all

     1   16 drwx------   1 scott    user        16384 Mar 15 15:09 .
If the file system type of your home directory is "xfs", there's nothing mounted there. "fuse.sshfs" is the filesystem type of the network shares on the shell system.

by scott » Tue Mar 23, 2021 4:15 am
Okay, tremendous update on the shell server that we needed to do. Unfortunately, we lost part of /var during the process, so I had to restore some stuff from backup.

Can people log in? It should be good, but I don't see anybody logging in, which is always concerning...
by eespinoza » Tue Mar 23, 2021 7:42 pm
scott wrote:Okay, tremendous update on the shell server that we needed to do. Unfortunately, we lost part of /var during the process, so I had to restore some stuff from backup.

Can people log in? It should be good, but I don't see anybody logging in, which is always concerning...
I just logged in. Even used irssi to join #shell.

All my files are there and it works.
by scott » Fri Mar 26, 2021 12:17 am
eespinoza wrote:
scott wrote:Okay, tremendous update on the shell server that we needed to do. Unfortunately, we lost part of /var during the process, so I had to restore some stuff from backup.

Can people log in? It should be good, but I don't see anybody logging in, which is always concerning...
I just logged in. Even used irssi to join #shell.

All my files are there and it works.
Thanks, nice to see a usage report.

My idea behind the chat server was to try to give a way that a community could form on the shell box. Right now it's pretty lonely to use the thing, even with a score or so of people on it. Having a "shell club" place to hang out made sense, as it helps alleviate the whole "panopticon" feel brought on by the current /proc mount options.

Back in the before times (in the long, long ago), there was even talk(1), ntalk(1) and ytalk(1). If you saw your fellow West Coast computer geek logged on, you could try to talk with them and exchange recipes, or what have ya.

(Yep, we used to watch each other type into chat live, keystroke by painful keystroke. And that was high technology!)
by apl » Sun Mar 28, 2021 11:41 am
Is shell down again?
I can ping it, but don't seem to be able to log in.
[EDIT: Seems to be up again now]
by scott » Sun Mar 28, 2021 3:05 pm
apl wrote:Is shell down again?
I can ping it, but don't seem to be able to log in.
[EDIT: Seems to be up again now]
It had a problem earlier. Should be good now...?
by valeria » Mon Mar 29, 2021 7:06 pm
Hi Scott:

Looking like delays to login to shell increasing again after weekend reboot; kind of worried whatever was going on is cyclic and still happening and getting worse; if true fairly soon logon attempts will just hang...
by scott » Tue Mar 30, 2021 8:53 pm
valeria wrote:Hi Scott:

Looking like delays to login to shell increasing again after weekend reboot; kind of worried whatever was going on is cyclic and still happening and getting worse; if true fairly soon logon attempts will just hang...
I've been watching this, and putting some measures in place to try to mitigate the pain of running cron jobs. I'm going to have to make some adjustments in how the cron chroot environment gets set up.

Incidentally, anyone who has taken an interest in the do you feel about the current environment, where the only processes you can see are your own?
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